Its like going on a voyage, Its like going through a mirage!
measuring the depth of one's own heart!!!!
is truely going on an adventure:)
The superficial layer is known to everyone,,,,,
and anyone can read it and accept it.
It consists of the normal feelings,
common emotions,
all the "arishadvarga's",
this is the layer,which is like shallow waters,,,
showing the natural tendencies and tracks!
No one ever tries to dig the mantel of the heart!
No one ever tries to discover the inner side of himself/herself!
No one ever tries to measure and explore the depth of the heart!
Digging earth's mantel gives the darkness,,,
Digging the heart's mantel gives unending,ever shining light!
U r angry in the shallow layer and u insist on it,
U know that,on what u r showing the so called anger,,,is useless and biased in the depth.
Ur jealousy don't let u sleep untill ur enemy fells into a pit!
U know very well that,u r the one who is actually falling in the pit,
in ur depth!
Ur hatred for the other person,needs no limit in the shallow,
U know it for sure that u r ruining ur own individuality in this process in ur depth!
ur ego is like the peak of the mount everest,which never wills to get down for anything,,,,
U know for god's sake that,its this ego,which is filling u with commotions and rejections from everyone in every situation,in ur depth!
Ur lust knows no boudaries untill u attain the so called "desire"getting fulfilled,in the outer layer,,,,
U know that,its just going to rupture the well built self esteem and social bonds,in depth!
U feel and boast that u know everything,,,
But do u know everything?everything that is right?
Everything that leads to eternal and ever sharing bliss?
U know not in thy superficial layer dear heart!!!!111
U know it beneath!!!!!
That's why we are afraid to measure the real depth of our heart!
But,once we try to go on this adventure,,,
It gives the utmost meaning for the human life.
It exposes the ultimate reason of our life.
I'm on my adventure!
R u dere with me?!!!!!!