You are in a dilemma!whether to agree or not,right?
But it's true.
Mythology has not wrongly said that woman is an enormous energy/shakti.............
The stories of godesses we read,are not different from a common woman.........true....
Just,the circumstances are different.
I have heard so many woman say,"it's better to be a tree in the forest rather than being born as a woman".
It's the woman who speak so,who are helpless and make themselves helpless.
Let's see how,what i said is true and how great is it to be a woman......
A woman is has balanced state of mind,even from childhood.
She can manage many things on her own.
Her mental health is many times stronger compared to a man.
She can directly take care of her own health(but many women don't keep sometime for themselves,but they should)
She is always capable of making a beautiful,peaceful,healthy home.
She is that potential energy,which she can transfer to every member in her family.
It's true that god has given her the oppurtunity to give birth to,she can do that.what's great in that?(many men say so)but do you what happens to a woman when in concieving,she not only nurtures her baby with her feed,she teaches the baby so many things,through her experiences,even in concieving state.the feelings,the experiences,overcoming the health hazards,the enormous affection towards the baby etc., can only be felt by a women.
She can manage many things at a time,which is a big task.
She can shatter "the glass ceiling"of injustice,humiliation just in seconds,if she wishes strongly.
She has enormous will obstacle can stop her from doing what she want to(she knows that she can do,but gives utmost value to the family,so stops.but here u can understand the amount of value she gives for her family and's not fear,but it's the question of values.
Her love is shown through her feelings,her care&affection.
She is the root cause of the world's the very being,she is the gardener,who presents a beautiful garden to the whole world.
"A woman educated,is the whole family educated" is true.
Her planning for anything is most of the times perfect.
She can manage work and family in balance.
Her ability to make and influence decisions is always great(but she is not many times given a chance to prove)
Her beauty also counts dears,she has both inner and outer beauty.
Her state of mind affects the whole family.
She only can bring up children into good's many/most times hard for a man.
Health of the whole family is in her hand.
She is the personification of sacrifice,love,affection and wonderful individuality.
That's why it's great to be a woman.
It's great only when the two genders mingle in a beautiful relation realising eachone's greatness and enjoying life.
Both of them should keep this in mind.
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