What is there in these ships that everyone feel,
as if they are going on a different voyage in each relationship!
Sometimes they float,
sometimes they drown,
sometimes they are caught in a cyclone!
Sometimes they are caught in a lonely island!
There is something very deep in giving oneself into a relationship.
Many come from birth itself,
some are made when we grow up!
There is a beauty,relationships.jpg Relationships image by poohgurl571
There is a commitment,
There is a love,
There is am empathy,
There is something deep and something shallow in every relation we are "in" with!
We laugh with them,
we cry for them,
we are sometimes contented,
and many many times depressed,,,,
with our relationships.
and situations serve their duties many times,,,
We just ignore the roots of every relation when we are in trouble with it!
We just ignore the future with "it"when we are happy with it!
We cling to the feelings and not to the impressions they make.
We cling to the commotions and not to the emotions they give.
Give some time for every relation,,,
whether it is a relation,,,,in family,in love or in friendship.
and don't run into conclusions when something goes wrong.
We are human beings and to err is human,
Cherish your best moments when in a confusion (with that relationship)
Let the waters of your relationships be shallow
Complexities are many,
but every relation is a God's gift,,,
handle with care,,,,,
"Need"is just a worthless word in relationships,,
Its the inner lovebackground.,respect,loyalty and empathy that helps you go on your sail......
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